The climate crisis is advancing. We need new solutions and concepts. In this event from the Future Salon PlanetProofed series, we want to discuss the topic of new (sustainable) mobility in Munich with you. How can individual motorized transport (or car for short) in Munich be replaced by attractive and sustainable forms of mobility and business models? With new possibilities: less noise, more space for a fulfilled life in the city, better health for the customers / citizens. The mobility offers of Stadtwerke München together with supplementary solutions for the “last mile” with e-scooters or e-scooters are already working. When and how can these offers reduce the use of cars in the city center to a minimum?
We believe that a high degree of diversity and diversification in the organization of companies makes the implementation of sustainable business models easier. What does diversity mean in terms of leadership and workforce and what impact can it achieve? Christopher Weber-Fuerst will explain the advantages using practical examples.
6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Warming-up Push your limits - (of course) practical motivational exercises for sustainability with Florian Hausmann in the garden of the Seidlvilla.
6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Keynote speeches In three keynote speeches, examples will be outlined how companies are realigning themselves in order to pursue sustainability and thus achieve a positive effect on the planet and society.
Impulse lectures:
1. Stadtwerke München as an enabler of sustainable mobility in Munich - opportunities and limits. Sinaida Cordes, Head of Mobility Development and Innovation at SWM
2. A strong purpose and a successful business model for a new, sustainable mobility Philipp Haas, Vice President Expansion TIER Mobility
3. The future is female. Why we need female leadership qualities for a sustainable economy that is suitable for grandchildren. Birgit Graz, Transformation and Change Management Airbus and Christopher Weber-Fürst, Strategic Futurist and Executive Coach
From 7:30 pm Panel and audience discussion Topic: "Business models for a new, sustainable mobility in the city center using the example of Munich" with Sinaida Cordes (SWM), Philipp Haas (TIER), Christiane Weiss (founder of LastiBike Concepts), Lars Sammann (Center Manager Forum Schwanthalerhöhe)